Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Jewel Tones

Its time to break out the brights and gear up for Spring, sunshine and all things happy :)

I had Easter brunch at my girlfriend’s aunts and they had real BUNNIES!! It was the most legitimate Easter Sunday I’ve ever experienced – I may not have hunt for eggs or received an Easter basket via USPS (really, not this year Mom??) but I did hold a bunny like a baby which has to count for something.

Thankfully, Dana and I were on the same wavelength and both sporting bright jewel tones… her fuchsia blouse complemented my royal blue sweater perfectly. A Happy Easter indeed!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fashion Fridays

I've made my official debut as one of Seattle's Belles of the Sound - I will be contributing on Fridays and sharing all things Fashion.

Check out my first feature on Weekend Wear:
Fist Fashion Friday: Weekend Wear

And last week's edition was all about Accessories:
Fashion Friday: Accessories

Be sure to visit Belles of the Sound every Friday for the week's styling tips, ways to wear, shopping scores and more!!

This week I will introduce a new monthly feature: Dare to Wear, all about trends and HOW to pull them off if you're game...

Stay tuned and stay stylish!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Fling... with your closet

Has it really been 5 years? Time flies... especially when you're having fun! Back to business - Spring is in full effect (maybe not outside, but is happening) and it's time to swap your go-to black basics for something a little more inspiring...

It's time to break out your long-lost mild-weather favorites:

that perfectly broken-in brown leather jacket
denim in washes that cannot be mistaken for black
speaking of denim... that denim shit (or 3) you've been waiting to wear
the lwd (pair with tights until the down jacket is no longer a necessity)
neutral-hued trousers
anything striped
peep-toe platform sandals
statement earrings and necklaces in bold hues
feather-weight cashmere

Incorporate these pieces into your more recent purchases of:

colored denim
anything neon
chunky open-knit sweaters
lace and French-charm inspired pieces
shrunken school-boy blazers
the 80's pointy-toe power pump (yes, its back)

Start mixing and matching these basics (and beyond) to create a look all your own. Photos to follow... promise.

Stay tuned and always stay stylish!